Friday, April 19, 2013

10+ Best Websites To Sell Your Articles On

Many of my writer friends have been writing articles for last 5+ years. Apart from having a lot of experience and expertise in their writing niche, what they have is thousands of unused articles. These articles have never been read by anyone, they are just taking some space in the hard disk. 

I understand that fact that not everyone can use everything they are writing about. Some people just don't know anything, some just don't want to make any efforts, some are able to use some of those unused articles.

How about listing some very useful websites where you can sell your unused articles? Yes, straight away selling your articles, I am not talking about posting it somewhere and making money by getting views on it. Let's get to the point and see where you can sell the articles:

1. Constant Content - A great platform to sell all that you have not been using. There are plenty of buyers on Constant Content who are always looking for the articles which best fits their requirement. All you need is to post your articles, use good keywords, and get the sale.

2. Fiverr - Fiverr?? Really? You can create various gigs on your article niche and sell it on fiverr. There are thousands of buyers who would love to buy a relevant article at just $5. Though there are several other websites like fiverr which also provide the same service, but there is nothing effective than fiverr. 

3. Own Blog/Website - You can create a list of articles (titles) and post it somewhere on your website or blog. This works great when you have good number of visitors on your website. It will  be an add on if you can mention the price so as to help the client taking the decision immediately.

4. Craigslist/Locanto/Other Classifieds - I know it sounds lame and down the level to post on classifieds about selling your articles, but trust me it helps. This works best when you have less cost articles to sell. 

5. Article Sale - Article Sale is another website which works similar to Constant Content. Just create an account and sell your articles.

6. Elance or Odesk - Another good option where you can sell your articles. You can go with a common post for all your articles, or be specific to an article in each post. There are thousands of buyers who are always looking to get things done there. If your work fits their requirements, you get a sale.

7. Daily Article - Here is another marketplace where you can sell your articles.

8. Forums - If you are a person who would not mind posting on various forum discussions, it is going to work better for you. There are two things you can do here. First, you can share the links of your posts on other websites regarding selling the articles. Second, you can mention what you want to sell and see if anyone there is interested.

9. Freelancer - Freelance works on the same platform like Odesk and Elance. It is also effective in helping you selling the articles.

10. Facebook/Twitter/Other Social Networking Sites - Another awesome place to sell your articles. Just share the links/posts about your articles and see if anyone of your friends (friends of friends, others) show their interest.

I have always been able to sell my unused articles using all of these together. If you really want it to be effective and want to make it happen at the earliest, I would recommend you to try all 10+ websites I mentioned here.

Do post other relevant websites in comments, if you know of anything else.

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Monday, April 15, 2013

How to make $1000 per day writing what you want? No Spam

It will surely be a dream come true for most of us if we will be able to make $1000 per day. That is $365,000 annually which is a gigantic figure. For my non-US readers, you can simply use this figure to calculate the figure in your currency.

As I have been promising you all again and again that this blog is no similar to any other blog, I will not be including anything which is impractical and fake. When I am mentioning this big amount earning, I want to make one thing very clear to all of you. It will definitely require a lot of time, dedication, passion, good content, and patience. It might not happen overnight, but it is very much possible in couple of months.

Let's see what all you will have to do to start making $1000 per day:

1. Google Adsense - Let me be very honest in saying that nothing works better than Google Adsense when we talk about any Advertisement Revenue Programs. Google Adsense does not allow you to use any similar program to be used on the website/blog parallel to one account. A good blog/website which is getting anything between 3,000 to 15,000 per day can make $25 to $100 based on the CPC,CTR. Having one blog/website where you update it once or twice a week is not sufficient in helping you make $1000 a day. It is always great to be having 3-6 blogs/websites and updating each one after the other. This way you can keep your blogs/websites updated, plus can multiply your earnings. Considering you have 5 blogs/websites with 10,000 visits per website per day, you can touch a figure of $500.

2. Selling your own ebook - If you are dedicated to writing, you should definitely try writing some ebooks for yourself. There can be two ways to earn out of it. First, you can sell your ebooks on websites like amazon and ebay. You can market/promote it on your websites, blogs, social networking sites, or on many other places and increase your sales. You can read my previous post 50 Best Websites To Sell Your Ebooks for more details. With an average of 10 sales a day (which is manageable) and selling price of $5 (taking the least figure), you will be able to make $50 per day. Apart from selling it online, you can get it published by a company and make sales from the hard copies too.

3. Youtube Videos - Am I wasting your time here? Not at all. Creating a Youtube channel and posting videos which can talk about your posts, ebooks, or anything else related to writing, can help you in self-promotion plus money. Just post videos, enable monetiation, and share with your friends. If you are getting something like 5,000 views daily, you can make approximately $50 per day.

4. Write for Websites/Blogs : Writing for approximately 3-5 hours in a day for other companies/clients/websites can help you make $150-$450 easily. If you are not sure of the website lists you can write for, do check our previous post 101 Best Websites To Make Money Writing Articles

After reading this post, it looks like an impossible task because if it is that easy, rest 6 billion people could make also tried it. Most of us cannot be dedicated and patient for this. I would want you to try working on it for couple of months and see. You will surely be able to touch that figure.

How much I am making from writing? Well! I am going to disclose that to all of you very soon. Maybe in couple of weeks :)

Feel free to share your experiences and earnings (if you wish to).

Stay Connected! FOLLOW & BOOKMARK us.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

50 Best Websites To Sell Your Ebooks

Great news for all our Author Friends! This time we are going to post some amazing websites for you where you can sell your ebooks plus self promote yourself. We have to agree that known authors get the maximum benefits and the moment 'Word-of-Mouth' starts creating it's magic, you can consider your successful.

Here is the list of 50 best websites for your success.

1. Own Website/Blog : There cannot be anything better than selling your ebook on your own website/blog. You invest your time in promoting your website/blog and keep posting updates about your work. Once you have a loyal base, it becomes easy for you to make huge sales. To increase the number of followers of your website/blog, check our post on Increasing Followers.

2. Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing : Signing in to this platform is easy. You can publish your ebook here and make it available to the thousands of readers. You can earn royalty of 70% for your ebooks.

3. Book Tango : If you feel that no one should get any brokerage in between, this is a best website for you. Book Tango gives you 100% royalty for your ebooks.

4. MyEbook : My Ebook will take 10% commission on every purchase. Signing up on the website is free and does not take more than 2 minutes.

5. Click Bank : A perfect mix of Selling and Affiliate Marketing is Click Bank. Sell your ebooks and market it using the various affiliate marketing techniques.

6. Craigslist : "This guy has includes this website by mistake". Not at all! The result which you will get by using Craigslist may surprise you to the best positive extent. Try it!

7. Create Space : This is not a platform only for selling CDs and DVDs, you can sell your ebook too. 

8. eBookBay : Create a profile, make a list of ebooks you want to sell, and done!

9. Expert Subjects : There are plenty of subjects lined up in this website. Just choose the correct for yourself and list your ebook.

10. Lulu : The website offers good features for the authors. List it and get sales.

11. Payloadz : A good website to sell digital copies to a big market.

12. Smashwords : Smash Words allows you sell any number of ebooks as you want with no commission.

13. Book Baby : Book baby is effective but would require you to invest at least $99 before start selling your ebook. You can upload your file and choose your package.

14. Branes and Noble : Create a profile, sell your ebooks.

15. Pay Hip : All you need is to upload your ebook and get it sold. You can get the payment instantly via Paypal.

16. Ebookit : Ebook It requires $149 per title as the submission fees and you can start making sales.

17. Ebooks : Create a profile, list your ebooks, and start making sales.

18. Project Gutenberg : A good platform if you want sell some ebooks for free. You will get good sales with a good promotion.

19. Online Programming Books : If you are a technical person and writes books on Computer and Programs, this is a best place for you.

20. Bookyards : This is a big platform having a lot of readers always looking for great ebooks which will fit their search. 

21. Tradebit : Tradebit is a good website with good traffic and high PR on Google.

22. Triple Clicks : Another website with number of things to sell. Selling ebooks can be very effective on it.

23. Pay Dot Com : Another website which is a mix of Affiliate Marketing and Sales. You get paid via Paypal.

24. Change This : Looking for a great exposure with number of sales, try Change This now.

25. E-Junkie : Store your files on the website and start making sales.

26. Shop4Downloads : Another good website, worth a try.

27. Chegg : If you that Green Guy who would want to plant more and more trees with making good sales for your ebook, then Chegg is a right website for you. They plant a tree for every purchase.

28. Ebook Karma : You earn 50% of your sales here.

29. Pay Spree : You can add first ebook for free, then you have to pay one time fee of $19 one time.

30. Plimus : Sell your ebooks here to increase your sales.

31. Regnow : Though there primary focus is making sales in software, but you can make good ebooks sales if you write related ti computer, software, programs, and other technical stuffs.

32. Smash Words : Another good website to increase the sales.

33. Tagito : Tagito has a good PR and can definitely help you get good sales number.

34. You Publish : A great social networking platform with sales technique. You can sell free or paid ebooks here with making your famous on the website.

35. Ebay : How can we forget this great website which is surely the father of many such websites. You all know about Ebay. Just create an account and start making sales.

36. Kobo Writing Life : Another website which gives you 70% to 80% royalty.

37. Pub It : This is another website by Barnes & Noble which pays a royalty between 40% to 65%.

38. Blurb : Free to sign up and to be using the features. You earn a royalty of 80% for every sale.

39. Scribd : Another website which many of us have heard of. You get a royalty of 80% with it.

40. Ebook Mall : This website will give you a royalty of 50% but can give you higher sales. 

41. Instabuck : You need to pay $4.99 every month to be using Instabuck. You pay this amount every month but can make out good returns as you earn 100% royalty on it.

42. Payzli : A simple website which good features. They give you everything of you earn.

43. Ease My Sell : Another website which might be that common, but is effective in making good sales.

44. Infibeam : A good website with good features. It is free to use. 

45. Shopify : You can sell any number of ebooks using Shopify.

46. Cerizmo : Another good website with great functions.

47. Books on Board : Books on Board allows you to maximize your ebook sales.

48. Kobo : Sell your ebooks to local and international readers.

49. Digital Point Forums : This is a great market for buying and selling ebooks. Try selling your ebooks here.

50. Site Point Marketplace : Another great website to make good money by selling your ebooks.

These are 50 best websites (in no sequence) where you can sell your ebooks and start making good money for your living. You can MAKE A LIVING WRITING if you do things in a proper way.

Do SHARE this post, if you find it useful.